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Ecology and conservation

Most of my work has been and still is in research and conservation. Have a look at some of my recent projects, or get in touch to discuss opportunities today.

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Birds of Zambia App

Together with Derek Solomon and Rory McDougall, I have published Zambia's first digital bird guide (2019). 

For reviews and where to buy


Mafinga Survey

We initiated a month-long survey of little-known "Priority KBA" Mafinga Highlands in Zambia's far northeast, under CEPF/BirdWatch Zambia umbrella, discovering Nchisi Pygmy Chameleon, Spotted Reed Frog, Long-haired Rousette, Blue Swallow, and more. Further study and conservation works are intended.


New to science: Mutinondo Grass Frog

Every ecologist's dream is to stumbling upon a 'new species'. 

I couldn't believe my eyes when first noticing tadpoles in thin seepage films on Mutinondo's majestic granite outcrops, now known as Mutinondo Grass Frog, Ptychadena mutinondoensis, Channing & Willems 2018. 

Angola Greensnake

See for a selection of my published work on birds, bats, frogs and park management here

Ecology services and projects: Projects

©2019 by Frank Willems Guiding and Ecology Services.

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